
02 18 2024


Attacking Retaliating EVIL with EVIL Jesus Christ NEVER taught his children of light. In fact at Gethsemane Garden when the Roman Soldiers came to arrest HIM, one of Jesus disciple attack the soldier with knife and cut one of the ear. Immediately Jesus told his disciple to stop and HE silently surrendered to soldiers. It is a resounding example of Jesus Action.
Added Note: Spiritual & Statehood are intertwined like identical TWINS.
Reason # 1. In every earthling there is Soul & Body. When you separate these 2. You're Dead. Same goes with the Country. When you separate Spiritual Food & Physical Food moral decay & decency relinquish thus Chaos fall on the Country. This just one reason out of many thousands . Will pause for lengthy lessons or lectures will become boring. Will continue later.
Earthlyn Essence 

GOD + Country: One Nation Under The Cross.Cross Crux Enterprise.... Quiet Quantum. America is a civilized nation that presented with meaningful "Gentle Arguments" as Gentle people do. As diverse as America WE. ... Need to settle our differences with logic, reason and scientific proof with resounding reality in Truth & Deeds that genuinely comes from the HEART. I AM willing to argue or discuss with anyone, Group or association about this Soul & State SEPARATION Context in civilize smooth manner/nature. So help us God. Amen.MEE + CCE.       02 16 2024

As I declare staying on the sidelines for 4 decades in USA,  I [ Terencelyn ] enter into Observationist this CruxCrucial Year 2024. America will CHANGE for The BEST leading the ENTIRE Planet to higher level. Amen to THAT.LEADING THE WAY to NEW ERA of Americanization. The MODEL of Planet Earth.Major Massive CHANGES in American Politics. GOP Transformation into MAGA. Yes, it's a REALISTIC "smart move" for Republican Party. Gone are the remnants of OLD & OUTDATED obsolete Republican "oldies" starting from REAGAN down to McConnell era. New IDEAS New Stripes [ Red ] had been drawn to EFFECTIVELY refurbish the RED Party. In my "insight" the takeover of MAGA over GOP will make the party *Super Strong* in confronting with many Challenges like Globalists & Wokism  to name a few.....Oversight Observer [ OO ]. 02 15 2024P.S.  As I see it with Seventh Sense. It is WHAT it is. Told you in previous post the long line supporters of Republicans (Trump Rally) are Mostly YOUNG Americans who hold the Future of America.


Preeminent Possibility:As a Philosophically Perceptionist Person I... Myself [ Terence Lyn ], Platform *3 T 7* as Foundational Frameworks For Fraternal Flexibly Fix Formula Forever. The Transgression of Triangulation of Spirituality Science & Space intertwine Woven into Three Thresholds as ONE is Tenacitic. Yay, we're living, existing in a Terrifying Universe second to none for either way it is what it is.

T e r e n c e.

:M E E:Trilogy Transparency Transcends To Transformative Trending Throttle.T e r e n c e       12202023


Beautiful Babes of OUR world/planet Earth.
Their Beauties/Attraction are Good for Man. That's what God intended for Man. Psychologically, Physically, Perceptionally. Both for Body & Soul. Thank you Lord Jesus, the Ultimate Creator of Adam & Eve. Amen.
Dear Suu Suu [ Ei Chaw Po ]. Why are you so Beautiful?. I thank my God for creating females [Eve] like you for males [Adam]. Amen. Thank you Ta-Wa-Ra   Payar Thakin Yeshua [ Eternal God Lord Jesus). You are truly *Born to be Beautiful*....... Thane Toe Lyn born in MyanMar.

Born to be Beautiful.
Beautiful with natural tree bark cream on pretty face. Simple but Stunning. Natural None Chemicals. ONLY in MyanMar called Ta Na Ka.

I Need, Believe & Trust Jesus Christ and ONLY Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah Hippie Me. The Hermit. Jesus didn't create/design Earthlings for Mars or any other place. He created/design/intended Earthlings for Earth. Makesense?. So don't be foolish wasting money, time & energy trying to live/put Earthlings on other places besides Earth. Research for knowledge is ok. But for longterm living is not. Be wise. Some Billionaires lost $Billions on unintelligent moves. Wouldn't it be useful spending those lost money on people's poverty?. What a Waste.

Only Truth ... Nothing else !!!
I DON'T need ABC or MGM or LBGTQSZ or KGB or CCP. You need CCP?. Go to Beijing-a-ling or Wuhan. Make Diplomatic ties with Chinks. Exchange vows of viruses or hitch hike balloons to China.
I closed ATT/DirecTV accounts too. PERMANENTLY 6 months ago. I shut off my employer too 3 yrs ago (2020) PERMANENTLY so as to Twitter too PERMANENTLY on Valentine's Day (2023) with love. These are all lifetime shut offs. I don't NEED them. Those who need them "Go for It". Do you need Buddha too?. Go for it and raise your behind high up. I DON'T need Buddha or Allah. I'm different. Amen. Thank you Jesus Christ. I NEED Jesus Christ for My LORD makes me STRONG. Amen After Amen.
Saving Innocent Poor HUMAN Lives the Smart & Intelligent WAY.
11th day 11th month 1,100 Battalion (Troops), The Capital was Moved from YANGON to Brand New Capital NAY PYI TAW a barren rural land further North, built from scratch. US 44th President Obama did the "right move" by visiting Myanmar TWICE Resulting in 2011yr Myanmar Military INSTALLED a Civilian Government base on the Constitution drawn by the Military (Thaw of ICE/IRON GRIP by 44th visit). Don't compare Myanmar to other countries for THIS country is UNLIKE any country of the world. Just like the famous western writer/author Roger Kipling Book "This is BURMA, it is unlike any place in the world" said in THE ROAD TO MANDALAY,  the last Burmese Kingdom Capital.
I like this video. It shows the current World Organization and Nations are full of talks & paper work/documents and "paper tiger" effective none while tens of thousands of innocent civilians are killed & murdered both in Myanmar & Ukraine. This is NOT the way to tackle Myanmar. 
My Take. TATMADAW (Military). Cannot be ommitted completely from country's political affairs and impose a genuine DEMOCRATIC rule. Think!. A nation that has gain Independence from the Brits by Military AND rule with IRON fist for 60 yrs (1962 - 2022) by Military cannot be overlooked and OVERRULED the Military within few years by Democratic system or not. Cannot ... not in Myanmar at least. In the meantime it is the poor people that suffer most. Top Military Brass families n relatives will have no effects whatsoever. THEY have their own way of finding wealth one way or the other. In my perspective Military Representatives must be included together WITH civilian Representatives in new Governance. Will stop for now............ MyanMarSpecialist   [ MMS ].
P.S. Well Educated Icon Buddhist Aung San Suu Kyi vital or crucial mistake is implementing carbon copy of Democratic values rules & systems on the Military in a short period of time (Timing & Tactic is very important in dealing with delicate situation of Myanmar) backfire big time resulting the breakdown in the country and herself in Jail for 33 yrs. This is NOT the way to built "trust & confidence" with TATMADAW. ICON fatal mistake. Who in the right mind can claim the Military, a hardcore institution since Independence had ruled for 60 years CANNOT have its voice in the Governance?. THINK. Western Democracy is true, Military is off limit to Civilian Governance BUT Myanmar is NOT in the West. In the East, ASIA not to mention located between India & China 2 Asian Tigers. Cohesively co-operation "smooth transition" is needed to save innocent lives. I like Thant Myint-U more than Aung San Suu Kyi.



Understanding Myanmar Warriors:-:Myanmar Military is Courageous Ferocious Force historically recorded. Myanmar Warriors 400,000 strong facing Superior 2 million Mongols Army Invasion Force. As far as I recalled the Burmese terrain and mountains dense forests, malaria infestations landscape is so treacherous the Mongols cannot advance deeper into Myanmar and finally had to return back to China. Myanmar is the only country Mongols have to retreat back to China [ Yunnan ] which the Mongols conquered China by Genghis Khan.


USD rival ruble declines

Told you. USD rival Ruble CRASH !!!. USD is the ONLY money BLESSED (permitted) by Eternal God. The "statement" or "motto" PRINTED on the Bill/Note. ....   Trust Me!!!


Buddhist Monk said ... Worst BRUTAL powerful authoritative person is Min Aung Hlaing (2nd)  AFTER Putin (1st) in TIME magazine top bad 100 persons of year 2023. In other words 2 most cruel n brutal powerful authoritative Devils ( Mate Sar in Burmese ) are Putin of Russia (recently became top Fugitive indicted by International Criminal Court), closely follow by General Min Aung Hlaing of Myanmar COUP leader. This speaker Monk think like a Christian for Jesus Christ ONLY looks at the hearts & minds of human and NOT outside appearance & things. That's the CONCEPT of Christianity which the other religions will find out sooner or later........Crosscrux

8 Buddhist Monks aiding Burmese Military Chief are FAKES he (Monk) said. Buddhists are worst than other religions THIS Monk (the one with eye glasses) declares. Actually Buddhists are bringing down Buddha's image he boldly declares. I think THIS particular Burmese Monk resides in Sri Lanka another Buddhist country. He said other religions especially Christians have moral values & have emphatic feelings towards the people of Myanmar which is very TRUE.


Flag of Cruxcode

The Earth split into Two. Freedom & Flunk

India sides with US (again) and MAH Regime is on the wrong side (F-1 / F-2 Autocrats/Flunk). Putin had place an example any nation can take another nation at will and do what ever one wants. Well, in this case Russia's far eastern region and Siberia can also be annex to Unlimited States [ U.S. ] at US discretion ANY time at will.

Flag of USE

Created April 21st, 2023 by   ...   Cruxcode [Supreme Force]

The Earth split into Two. Freedom & FlunkIndia sides with US (again) and MAH Regime is on the wrong side (F-1 / F-2 Autocrats/Flunk). Putin had place an example any nation can take another nation at will and do what ever one wants. Well, in this case Russia's far eastern region and Siberia can also be annex to "Unlimited States" [ U.S. ] at US discretion ANY time at will.


Laser Weapon Jets


Y a d a y a r Y a


Lyn Yon and Zin Yaw. Both relevant to me. Zin Yaw ( Sea Gull ) was my nickname given to me by Rangoon Arts & Science University Student Girls.Lyn Yon is my Burmese name Thein (Eagle) & English name Lyn (LynYon/Eagle).

3 Universal Rules1] Freedom of Expression 2] Freedom of Creativity 3] Freedom of Faith L = Light Y = Years N = Nebula /// L.Y.N.These did not happen randomly nor by any "chance". Precise precision perfected performance "created" by Highly Intelligent Design Eternal Entity  [ HIDEE ] unknown to Earthlings. Picture tells a Trillion Words.Dated July 31st, 2023. I Christening/Nickname this picture as " LYN ". Gorgeous Grandeur Greatness in Astronomical Aweinspiring Amazement. G = Genius   O = Omnipresence   D = Designer

YadayarYa.    Creativity is the Answer. Blue Bandoola Battle Born Battalion Badge & Ferocious Freedom Flag.Liberators of Tyrannical Tatamadaw. Dated July 31st, 2023

Stand for LIFE. So far WE are the only specie that has abundance of LIFE around us so defend and preserve it. 

Focus on the Seat of Satan... China. Did you know hell is right before your eyes in plain sight day light? ... China. You know Satan is the King of Devils and very smart. So smart he wants to replace God.. He is as cunning as a fox and evil as a snake. Snaky China plans to re-write the Bible. Signs of Satan. Satan wants to rule the world. So is China. China wants to replace America because America is in China's way to become ruler of the world. In every hook in the book of Communism China aim & object is to take out God's child America and make China Super power Ruler of the world. In money yuan or in copy cat theft. China during Wuhan virus break out, burn people alive. Did they not? Hell burn humans alive too. The world needs God's child like America to save the soul & body of human to fill earth with LIFE and not Death with Satan. Amen. For once soul & body separate, you're dead. God chose Christians to lead the planet God had created. Satanic countries like China ( leader ) Russia, North Korea, Burma etc. is the Kingdom of Satan. They can't stand America for Darkness is afraid of Light and NOT the other way around. Who said so a Christian Pastor cannot be the President of America?. Who? and on what authority may I ask?. God's child America IS the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave & Splendor of Greatness. Amen After Amen. The world is dead today ... Brain Dead in a way. Satan wants to separate Spiritual & Physical. Both needs to be fed. Feeding physical only makes the world full of chaos & problems. The world needs Spiritual food to be fed. Here comes separation of Church [spiritual] & State [physical] thing for they don't want life but death, not wisdom but extreme radicalism.


Telling the Truth is NOT a Sin.

9 stone ring of Burma. A nation rich in precious Stones & pure gold (suck by China) BUT people are poor where feeding Buddhist Monks who never work but enjoy free food with begging bowls & free Residence all from the poor people. No wonder Free ride Buddhist Monks never want Burma to forego Buddhism just like Buddhist Generals (Green Men) never let go power, rank & file Ruling Buddhist Burma since 1962 to date.

Bible Prophesy


2 styles. Hexagon 6.8 Million Kyats & Square 5.8 Million Kyats. 9 lucky precious stones of Myanmar.

Sacred Land where Jesus Christ walks. Jesus Jerusalem Pentecost Place is the Center of this Planet (World).

God's Priority towards his children of light. Protecting Christians. Era after Noah Flood.Japan (Buddhism) China (Atheism) India (Hinduism) Pakistan (Muslim) all flooded.

Largest City Yangon defense set up by Coup Military (Green Men). Buddhism Burma Civil War since World War 2 to date. Never permanent peace nor secure. Kinda Kurse. YadayarYa.      08022023



3 White Crosses

Mar Ra Wizaya Buddha Statue at Mar Ra Wizaya Garden, Date Ki Na Township, Nay Pyi Taw. Built by Blood Stain Coup Generals (Green Men). They claim Burma is Buddhism Center of the World. Gross Hallucination. YadayarYa.   08032023


I'm getting STRONGER Don't get me WRONGER Just keep me YONDER

P.M.S. 08/04/2023


US Laser Fighter Jets


American Audacity

August 4th, 2023 

Jesus & Solomon [ 2 Wisest Men in the Bible ].

Flag of Wiserer

Too much hatred in America is no good and the enemies are fueling the fight within ( Democrats & Republicans ). I'm watering down this FIRE of animosity jealousy & hatred that is to no good to humanity at large. So is the senseless of wasting the American Resources. Privileged Pilgrimage Perception From ... American Party.

BURMA is rule & manipulate by Green Men (Military) & Orange Ropes (Buddhist Monks). They act and did like they OWN the country & people "their way" disregarding/discriminates the true UNION comprises of other races & religions. This white buddha statue cost $40 million build by poor people ($3.3 per day) just like slaves. They want the benefits of Buddha Blessings with the blood sweat & tears of the people who are in griefs of their beloved lost ones killed by them.

A w e s o m e   August.August 5th, 2023. In the Presence of JESUS Precious Name, Amen. Precise Perfection Perseverance Pivotal Prudence...........Lynlight aka Terencelyn



One of my fav food. Tender & juicy Beef Brisket (smoke). Love it. In meat I prefer Beef (cow), NOT pork (pig). 09222023

W i z z l e r.

True & Real ONLY Super Power United States.09222023. No gimmicks no fakes no lousy propaganda or Bogus Bullshit nor wannabe wacko weasels or chinky copy cat. Just Goodie USA ... Ruler of Planet Earth.

W i z z l e r

Brother Canadian Prime Minister Announcement. Truth doesn't need many friends or allies for Truth never lie and it's Eternal. The TRUTH is ... hunting down THEIR foe on THEIR soil is one matter but hunting down on other Sovereign Nation soil is another matter. Civilization does not / cannot allow nor accept this kind of premeditated criminal conduct, democracy or not. Understand?. Did I make this Clear?.By the way ... when TRUTH is involved, "Geopolitics" doesn't matter for TRUTH is Timeless AND Permanent while "Geopolitics" isn't (time limited & temporary).


Right On RDD. Steadfast Santis. To me, you are number one. The front runner of USA.

Slum India

Niagara Falls

Power stays in the Hands of the People.
America is NOT a boxing ring on stage where Red Gloves & Blue Gloves hit each other nor the American People are pawns to play with. True Origin Entity tell us America is a nation where freedom flows endlessly for the people, by the people and of the people. WE the People "hire" the Government & WE "fire" the Government. In God We Trust. Amen. 

Bandit & Robber game. Bandit rip off people & Robber robs the Bandit.

Wizzler +

FITS ALL. Traits of Terence. Gifted Given by God. Amen.09212023. Simple YET Sophisticated.

Problematic MGM Resorts

MGM Hacking is Bad Bad Bad. Live with it Endlessly. Spider vs. Lion.

Mountain of Garbage. India / Bharat. A picture let alone a video tells a Trillion Words. Truth never Lie.

10 Countries that LOVE United States.

Lyn Nuu

MGM Resorts losing money daily